Welcome to Heather's Whole Health and Wellness

Whole Health and Wellness is a journey that starts from within. It is a path of opening up, letting go, and creating space for positive growth and healing to happen. Consciousness is the key to this journey. Becoming conscious of our choices, the reasons for them and the consequences of them, gives us the power to understand how we are manipulating our own health and wellness, and how we can change to let go of those things, thoughts, and emotions that no longer serve us. We can literally change anything in our lives.

Whole health and wellness takes into account both food and lifestyle choices. Most of the diseases we see in America today are diseases of poor nutrition and lifestyle. People are dying before their time and quality of life is seriously compromised. Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, Crohn’s Disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, and many other diseases can be prevented and reversed by a change in diet, outlook and lifestyle. We have an abundance of food and lifestyle choices in the United States. It is our responsibility to be educated consumers and to make choices that will help to keep us and this planet healthy.

If you are looking for a change in the way you feel, view or contribute to the world, I am here to help. I will work with you as a support and a guide to reach your goals and to teach you about Whole Health and Wellness. Together we will look into physical, nutritional, emotional, environmental, and spiritual health to gain a complete perspective and understanding of what it means to be truly healthy.

Be well,

Heather's Whole Health and Wellness Services include:
Health Education and Coaching
Eating Tips for Peace, Harmony with the Earth, and Personal Health
Meal Planning and Health Food Store Tours

Please email me at HeathersWholeHealth@gmail.com for a free consultation.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


We are each the creator of our own reality. The things we choose to focus our attention on are the things that manifest in our lives. Each of us is literally living today our thoughts from yesterday. Unfortunately too many of us do not understand this law. We go about our day being influenced by the energies and focus of what has come before us and that which keeps us fearful and limited in our beliefs and abilities. This is like being taken by a current in which we have no control, and we eventually end up drowning. There is a better way. By changing our thoughts today we can change our reality of tomorrow!

We were meant to be the ultimate creators of our lives, and to live healthfully and abundantly in any way we want! By tuning out all the madness of the world and listening to the guidance system within, so much can be revealed, so much can be created; our purpose begins to come into focus and our fears begin to disappear. All that is not alive for us and that which we do not love begins to seem insignificant and drifts farther and farther from our focus, creating an open space within for the things that truly matter. When we call on our inner presence to show us the way and listen to the often subtle messages we receive guiding us along, the world begins to open up in ways we never believed were possible. Anything is in fact possible, but we must be deliberate in our purpose. Choose with purpose each day the things you want to focus your attention on instead of being taken up by the current of present day madness that is putting so many fearful and limiting beliefs in your head. By taking simple action steps today you will begin to change your reality of tomorrow.
  • Cut out the noise that surrounds you, it is not allowing you to think for yourself. Turn off the television and other media sources that only project fear and negativity into your life. Change the topic of conversation when gossip is the focus. Read only positive, uplifting stories that inspire you. Get the facts, and third opinions, before making any decisions about your health. Spend time each day setting your intentions and listening from within.
  • Focus on the things that matter to you. These are the things that are alive to you, that bring you joy, peace, and inspiration, the things that you love. Thank God/Spirit/Creator each day for those things. Being grateful for something brings more of that thing.
  • Set goals, write them down, and act with confidence that they will manifest for you. It has been said that 95% of people who write down their goals achieve them, but only 5% of people actually write them down. The reason that writing down goals works is called the "Law of Attraction" (made popular by the book and movie The Secret). Most people who write down their goals are so clear in them that they visualize and emotionalize what it would be like for them once those goals are reached. They are clear in why they are pursuing the goal and can actually feel the joy and accomplishment that will come with the attainment of that goal. Visualizing and emotionalizing are the keys to the Law of Attraction; these powerful practices speed up the time that it takes to attain the goal. If you actually put yourself in that place of accomplishment, be grateful for it, and then go about your life knowing that what you need to get there will be given to you, the way and opportunity for reaching that goal become clear. Some people call this coincidence, but there is no such thing, only what you attract to yourself by your thoughts and feelings. Focus on the end product (goal) with joy and excitement, write it down, and the way will be presented to you.
  • Ask your Spirit for guidance. There is a part of each of us that is in non-physical form at all times. This part of us guides us and creates with us that which we want to manifest in our reality. By quieting ourselves each day to ask this part of us for guidance and abundance in the things that matter most to us, we can create a reality that is truly worthy of us. Spend some time each day before getting out of bed, or someplace that you are assured peace and quite for just a few minutes, taking a few deep breaths, and being still while you ask your Spirit to guide you. Listen to the clues that will be presented along your journey.
Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion. ~Democritus

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