Welcome to Heather's Whole Health and Wellness

Whole Health and Wellness is a journey that starts from within. It is a path of opening up, letting go, and creating space for positive growth and healing to happen. Consciousness is the key to this journey. Becoming conscious of our choices, the reasons for them and the consequences of them, gives us the power to understand how we are manipulating our own health and wellness, and how we can change to let go of those things, thoughts, and emotions that no longer serve us. We can literally change anything in our lives.

Whole health and wellness takes into account both food and lifestyle choices. Most of the diseases we see in America today are diseases of poor nutrition and lifestyle. People are dying before their time and quality of life is seriously compromised. Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, Crohn’s Disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, and many other diseases can be prevented and reversed by a change in diet, outlook and lifestyle. We have an abundance of food and lifestyle choices in the United States. It is our responsibility to be educated consumers and to make choices that will help to keep us and this planet healthy.

If you are looking for a change in the way you feel, view or contribute to the world, I am here to help. I will work with you as a support and a guide to reach your goals and to teach you about Whole Health and Wellness. Together we will look into physical, nutritional, emotional, environmental, and spiritual health to gain a complete perspective and understanding of what it means to be truly healthy.

Be well,

Heather's Whole Health and Wellness Services include:
Health Education and Coaching
Eating Tips for Peace, Harmony with the Earth, and Personal Health
Meal Planning and Health Food Store Tours

Please email me at HeathersWholeHealth@gmail.com for a free consultation.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Veginspiration - World Peace Diet

"The spiritual revolution needs all of us, whatever our religious beliefs, ethnicity, class, or other variables may be. Every one of us has a piece of the puzzle to contribute, and our overall success depends on each of us discovering our talents and passion and persistently contributing them."

This is just one of the beautiful Veginspirations that I receive from The World Peace Diet site. Please go to this link to see the rest of them and be inspired: http://www.worldpeacediet.com/

If you are searching for a deeper meaning to your life or are wondering how you can contribute to the world in a meaningful way you have come to the right place. I have helped many people find their passion in life and implement that passion in ways that are uplifting to them and to the planet. We are all going through a change right now; this planet is going through a change. We are moving into the next stage of consciousness. You can choose to be a part of this uplifting movement by going deep within yourself to find your purpose and be an agent for positive change in your own unique way. If you would like more information about finding and living your passion please contact me. HeathersWholeHealth@gmail.com